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19.12.2013|14:05 Uhr

„Grand Challenges in Environmental Sustainability: The Soil, Water, Climate, and Food Nexus“ Prof. Dr. Donald L. Sparks, U.S.A.

Am Donnerstag, den 09.01.2014, 8.15 Uhr, findet in der Pauluskirche ein Vortrag zum Thema „Grand Challenges in Environmental Sustainability: The Soil, Water, Climate, and Food Nexus“ statt.
Der Referent ist Prof. Dr. Donald L. Sparks (S. Hallock du Pont Chair, Francis Alison Professor, Professor of Plant and Soil Sciences, Chemistry and
Biochemistry, Civil and Environmental Engineering, and Marine Science and Policy, Director, Delaware Environmental Institute (DENIN), University of Delaware, U.S.A.)