Fakultät für Architektur und Bauingenieurwesen

Abgeschlossene Promotionsarbeiten:

Xing Yang (2022)
Functionalized biochars (im)mobilize potentially toxic elements under dynamic redox conditions in paddy soil and regulate the yield and quality of rice

Susanne Richter (2019)
Der Anbau von Faserhanf (Cannabis sativa L.) als Winterzwischenfrucht

Tatiane Medeiros-Melo (2019)
The use of sewage sludge hydrochar for improving soil fertility in the Cerrado region of Brazil – scientific effects and social acceptance

Felix Beckers (2019)
Mobilization, Methylation, and Ethylation of Mercury in Contaminated Floodplain Soils under Controlled Laboratory Redox Conditions as Influenced by Potential Immobilizing Agents as well as Mobilization of Mercury under Field Conditions

Carsten Schilli (2017)
Nonlinear multivariate statistical analysis of long-term soil monitoring datatsets of different scales

Julia Mihajlovic (2017)
Rare Earth Elements in Soils – Status quo, mobility's, bonding form and release kinetics of rare earth elements in selected soils of German

Tina Frohne (2014)
Mobilization of metals as influenced by redox potential in slurries of floodplain soil material and biogeochemical fractionation of mercury in floodplain soil profiles


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