Christoph Weihrauch, PhD
Postdoctoral Researcher – Assistant Professor
Chair of Soil and Groundwater Management
Institute of Foundation Engineering, Waste and Water Management
Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering
Room HA 43
Pauluskirchstr. 7
42285 Wuppertal
phone: +49-202-439-4301
e-mail: weihrauch{at}
Recent Research Focuses
"Deep phosphorus stocks" and phosphorus loss from hydromorphic soils to waters //
Dynamics of phosphorus and its interactions with other elements under changing redox conditions //
Biogeochemistry of phosphorus and associated elements in soils, wetlands, and waters //
Eutrophication and sustainable water quality management //
Human-Environment-Interactions, Geoarchaeology
07.2021 – today Assistant Professor at the Chair of Soil and Groundwater Management, Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering, University of Wuppertal, Germany
10.2020 – 06.2021 Research Assistant at the Chair of Soil Science, Institute of Physical Geography, Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
04.2020 – 12.2020 Postdoctoral Researcher at the Department of Geography, McGill University, Montréal, Canada
03.2014 – 03.2020 Research Assistant at the Chair of Soil and Hydrogeography, Department of Geography, Philipps-University Marburg, Marburg, Germany
Educational Background
04.2020 – 08.2021 Further training and certification as a GIS Applications Specialist, WBS Training AG, Berlin, Germany
03.2014 – 11.2017 PhD in Geography, Philipps-University Marburg, Marburg, Germany
-Dissertation: The spatial distribution and dynamics of phosphorus in soils and landscapes.
06.2011 – 06.2013 Studies of Journalism (Diploma), Freie Journalistenschule Berlin, Germany
10.2003 – 06.2010 Studies of Geography (Diploma), Cultural Anthropology (Magister’s Degree), Prehistoric Archaeology, Philipps-University Marburg, University of Leipzig, Germany
- Diploma thesis (Geography): Investigation of anthropogenic traces in soils using the example of the Iron Age settlement on the Rhündaer Berg near Felsberg-Rhünda (county Schwalm-Eder, Hesse, Germany).
- Magister’s thesis (Cultural Anthropology): On the Ethnological discussion on the significance of rituals using the example of modern burial methods in Germany
Recent Publications
Weihrauch, C. & C.J. Weber (2021): Comparative risk assessment of phosphorus loss from “deep phosphorus stocks” in floodplain subsoils to surface waters. Science of the Total Environment 796:149037. DOI:
Weihrauch, C., Weber, C.J. & C. von Sperber (2021): A Soilscape Network Approach (SNAp) to investigate subsurface phosphorus translocation along slopes. Science of the Total Environment 784:147131. DOI:
Weihrauch, C. & C.J. Weber (2020): The enrichment of phosphorus in floodplain subsoils – A case study from the Antrift catchment (Hesse, Germany). Geoderma 385:114853. DOI:
Weihrauch, C. & C.J. Weber (2020): Phosphorus enrichment in floodplain subsoils as a potential source of freshwater eutrophication. Science of the Total Environment 747:141213. DOI:
Weber, C.J., Weihrauch, C., Opp, C. & P. Chifflard (2020): Investigating microplastic dynamics in soils: Orientation for sampling strategies and sample pre‐procession. Land Degradation and Development 32:270-284. DOI:
Weihrauch, C. & U. Söder (2020): On the challenges of soil phosphorus prospections in heterogeneous environments – A case study on the Iron Age Altenburg hillfort (Niedenstein, Hesse, Germany). Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory 28:470-511. DOI:
Weber, C.J. & C. Weihrauch (2020): Autogenous Eutrophication, Anthropogenic Eutrophication, and Climate Change: Insights from the Antrift Reservoir (Hesse, Germany). Soil Systems 4(2), 29. DOI:
Weihrauch, C., Schupp, A., Söder, U. & C. Opp (2019): Could oxalate-extractable phosphorus replace phosphorus fractionation schemes in soil phosphorus prospections? – A case study in the prehistoric Milseburg hillfort (Germany). Geoarchaeology 35:98-111. DOI:
Weihrauch, C. (2019): Dynamics need space – A geospatial approach to soil phosphorus‘ reactions and migration. Geoderma 354:113775. DOI:
Weihrauch, C. (2018): Phosphor-Dynamiken in Böden. Grundlagen, Konzepte und Untersuchungen zur räumlichen Verteilung des Nährstoffs. Springer Spektrum, Wiesbaden. 369 S.
Weihrauch, C. & C. Opp (2018): Ecologically relevant phosphorus pools in soils and their dynamics: The story so far. Geoderma 325:183-194. DOI:
Weihrauch, C. & C. Opp (2017): Soil phosphorus dynamics along a loess–limestone transect in Mihla, Thuringia (Germany). Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 180:768-778. DOI: